Investart began as an idea to help small and mid-size CRE investors gain the tools that institutional investors use. Ease of use is at the heart of the product, and our tool has since evolved into a powerful software that can be used by institutional and small investors alike.
We now offer a map tool that shows the underwriting of active investment opportunities. We set up the underwriting on our platform, and you can then tweak it to meet your own standards and pricing.
You can use Investart from initially screening a deal, adding leverage, equity, and waterfall distributions, all the way to closing. What began as an "advanced back of the napkin" tool is now a complete CRE analysis tool.
We are currently working on adding a risk analysis tool. The user will be able to see just how dependent each investment is on a set of parameters such as cap rate and rent growth. Some of our sample properties already include some of this analysis.